Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Holding Paper

My ability to not write a paper.
My thoughts avoiding the paper a bit of a self portrait.


Penniek said...

your abstract landscapes are turning out quite well. I really like this montage. keep it up. too bad you cant hand this into steve as your paper. :)...or can you?

Megan E Thompson said...

Haha, i'm looking at this for the exact same reason. Procrastination is a wonderous thing.

Brittany Nelson said...

I like the idea of this being a self portrait, I think it says more about you than an actual image of your face would. I find it interesting how this image leaves a lot up to the viewer to resolve in their own heads. For instance, I have resolved that there are flying squirrels that are going to shoot out of that big hole and eat that house.

markpaulson said...

i feel you, that's exactly what i'm avoiding doing.