Another image for the future project. This one is more along the lines of what I am shooting for. Unfortuneately it is hard to tell, but there is a barn about 2/3 the way across from the left side. I am going to boost the saturuation of the barn to make the red pop some more. I want to print these around 24" by 30". Any suggestions or comments would be great.
I like your idea Mike, but I can't see the barn at all......saturating it might help and also the fact that your print will be large will make it more visible. I would like to see what the image would look like with less saturation and more contrast overall......Keep the barn saturated though. I don't know if thats the feel you want but I would like to see it that way to compare with what you have now.
I like the banality and low saturation of this shot- this series could be quite interesting if you can create a number of shots with synonomous framing and perspective, but with greatly varying colors and textures (for the sky and ground).
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