Friday, May 4, 2007

Birds on Main

I see these birds all the time flying around main street and I always want to photograph them. I finally got them mid-swoop. However, cameras are much worse than cellphones, don't try this at home.


Malia Nice said...

This is a nice image, Danielle. The sky is very ominous looking. For me the green light is too contemporary (is that the word I am looking for?) This photograph doesn't give away the time period unless you look closely - except for that light. Good job

Anonymous said...

I've seen those birds too!
The blue color makes this picture seem surreal... maybe the birds are invading?

Ken said...

I have saw an article in the Ny Times about European starlings in Rome that fly in large clouds and form abstract shapes. This might be nice in B/W, shape wise for the same reasons.

Megan E Thompson said...

I like this a lot, It's too bad you aren't in non silver, I would love to see it in cyano over platinum!