Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Watch your step.

Velvia 50 4x5

Experimenting with Velvia 50's sensitivity to reciprocity failure.
20 minute exposure.


Keegan Fields said...

light readings said about 8 minutes. I used a chart for reciprocity failure for that specific film. Now I think I should have let it have another 6-7 minutes.

Ian van Coller said...

Looks pretty good but you are probably right about the exposure. It would be nice to see a little more shadow detail in the right 3rd of the image. I like the light on the rocks. Look forward to seeing the print.

Penniek said...

i remember this one, it was 15 min, not 20 just for future reference. Id like to see it under a full moon, and see what kind of detail is picked up since it was black out. looks great.