Tuesday, March 6, 2007



Simon Peterson said...

Claire, I think that the colors, the graphics, and the compositions are working very well for you in these images. The only thing that bugs me is the fact that you are in the lower right corner of all of them. I think it would be interesting to try the upper corners, middle, and other side.

Rachel Cudmore said...

i agree with sir peterson as far as the placement. maybe you should be upside down in one? hmmm oh the possibilties, that's what i think of with these...they are so fun and childlike juxtaposed with some of the expressions of seriousness-i like them a lot!

Rachel Cudmore said...

expression variation would be refreshing to see in these.

Casey Merritt said...

Yes i also agree with Rachel and Simon. It does give the image that you are a girly girl, but i don't think that is you.